0844 858 4949 Mon-Fri 9:00-5:00

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Welding booths & curtains

Free-standing welding booths

Manufactured from welding grade red PVC sheet, (ISO EN 25980) and industrial grade steel framework, our portable free-standing welding booths are a great addition to any busy workshop or mobile welding enterprise.

These booths come with 4 x welding grade sliding PVC sheet curtains and each curtain has a Velcro fixing along the outside edges to seal the booth if required, but still allowing multi-point exit in case of emergency.

The steel framework is an easy-to-assemble 'no tool' system which can be erected or dismantled in minutes.

The flexibility of the framework system means that if a larger work area is required this product can be assembled as an open L shaped welding screen, or alternatively multiple booths can be lined up next to each other to increase the overall workspace.

We have two standard sizes available, 2m wide x 2m long x 2m high and 3m wide x 3m long x 2m high, but we can also custom manufacture welding booths to fit your exact requirements.  Please contact us for more information.


2m wide x 2m long x 2m high Welding booth
Cost = £599.00 + vat each
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3m wide x 3m long x 2m high Welding booth
Cost = £799.00 + vat each
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Free-Standing welding booth

Welding PVC

Welding PVC strip curtains

Manufactured from 300mm x 2mm welding grade PVC strips, (ISO EN 25980) our made-to-measure welding curtains are ideal for environments requiring separate welding bays.

They have been specifically designed to protect against welding 'flash' and dangerous radiations and projectiles emitted by welding activity.

By screening out hazardous UV rays and welding flash, our high quality welding grade PVC provides optical protection from the possible damage to eyes caused by welding and offers fire protection from sparks and hot metal projectiles.

Our welding PVC curtains are transparent but coloured in red. These curtains also reduce airborne noise by 30dB.

welding pvc strip curtain


For a quote simply click HERE and select the '300mm x 2mm Welding' PVC type.

Discount-PVC-Curtains.co.uk is a trading name of the UK registered company Jigsaw Industrial Ltd.
Registered Office: Unit 3, Daneside Business Park, Riverdane Rd, Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 1UN
Company Number: 3627400 || VAT Number: GB 819 11 55 35
Copyright © Discount PVC Curtains

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