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Blackout & frosted PVC

Blackout and frosted PVC Curtain

With all the benefits of our standard PVC, our blackout curtains are completely opaque and available in black and red as standard.  We can also offer a custom colour matching service if required (Minimum order 250 kg).

If you want to hide an area behind a strip curtain, but still want to let the light through, then our frosted PVC is ideal. It's frosted light diffusing surface makes it the perfect choice for any application where you want to hide an area without reducing light transmission. Most commonly used to obscure stock, store rooms, workshops and other private areas from public view.

These made-to-order PVC curtains are used for a variety of purposes, including...

  • Obscuring areas from public view
  • The poultry industry
  • Darkening the entrances to fun fair rides
  • Theatrical set design
  • Exhibition & POS design
  • Scientific research uses

For a quote simply click HERE and select 'Blackout' or 'Frosted' from the PVC type menu.

Discount-PVC-Curtains.co.uk is a trading name of the UK registered company Jigsaw Industrial Ltd.
Registered Office: Unit 3, Daneside Business Park, Riverdane Rd, Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 1UN
Company Number: 3627400 || VAT Number: GB 819 11 55 35
Copyright © Discount PVC Curtains

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